Let’s help end world hunger! Together! OR Let’s provide 1 million meals!
Use Seva as your search engine and help feed hungry children by surfing the internet (for free)
Meals donated by Seva users
Let’s help end world hunger! Together! OR Let’s provide 1 million meals!
Use Seva as your search engine and help feed hungry children by surfing the internet (for free)
You Search. We Feed
Seva is just like other search engines except: our profits are donated directly to meals for hungry people.
We provide meals to those in poverty
There are XXX million living in poverty right now. And humanity has enough food in the world to feed them. We just need the care to make it happen.
Seva means “selfless service” in Sanskrit. Helping others. This seva is an expression of our joy. Our care. We’re here to serve. May all beings in the world have enough food to eat.
Your searches matter
Every 45 searches provides a meal for a starving person in the world
How We Operate?
We’re a public benefit organization that publishes its financials every quarter. We know trust is a key part of making this vision a reality.
Unlike other search engines, we don’t track you. We’re really just here to feed people.
We’re here because we want to be a part of a solution for world hunger. No human should starve in this day and age.
Why use us instead of Google?
We have enough food to feed the world. But so far we don’t have enough heart. Using this search engine is an expression of the heart of humanity. That we’re here for each other. That no one will starve as long as there is enough food in the world. Oh and we don’t track you :). So you aren’t losing your privacy and data every day.Try it for 30 days and see how good it feels to feed those in need